How do I download the code?

The NIGP code is constantly updated to ensure the most accurate classification of commodities and products. To download or update your version of the NIGP code, follow the instructions below:

  1. Log into using the username and password
  2. Hover the cursor over Downloads in the menu bar and click Download Code

  3. At the top of the download page will be a message indicating what version of the code you are on (when your organization most recently updated their code). You has the option to update your code by clicking the radio button that says Update, this will update all users on the account to the newest version of the code.

  4. In the Select a Download Option section of the page, users can choose whether they want to download the entire code (the code as it was up until your version date) or only download the changes that have been made since your last update. Click Download at the bottom of the page to download a zip file containing the selected version of the code.
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